
Empowering Life Skills - April 2018 - Grade-8 - Magazine

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018 -  Grade-8 - Magazine ART AND ARCHITECTURE - This Month Issues Rs-40/- This new issue helps the young readers in learning more about the art and architecture around them and enables them to broaden their knowledge about it. Children are introduced to varied interesting facts about art and architecture with our selection of games and activities that let them be happy too.

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018 - Grade-7 - Magazine

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018 -  Grade-7 - Magazine INCREDIBLE ANIMALS - This Month Issues Rs-40/- This latest issue brings with it an insight into the world of the various incredible animals through a lot of interesting activities, games, and story for the children and, have a lot of fun and be happy in the process too!

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018. Grade-6 - Magazine

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018.  Grade-6 - Magazine THE STORY OF EVOLUTION - This Month Issues Rs-40/- This issue introduces the children to the story of evolution of the various life forms on this planet so as to strengthen their understanding about the diverse life forms that exist today and those that are extinct. Moreover, the fun activities and games let the children to be happy.

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018, Grade-5 - Magazine

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018,   Grade-5 - Magazine SPACE - This Month Issues Rs-40/- This issue aims to take the children for a tour into outer space including the moon, the stars, the planets and much more via fun activities and games. This would broaden their knowledge about the space while making learning a happier thing for them.

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018, Grade-4 - Magazine

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018,  Grade-4 - Magazine ANIMALS - This Month Issues • 40 This latest issue takes the children into the world of animals and gives them all the information about the various animals that inhabit our earth. All this is done with the help of stories, activities and games so that the children enjoy the learning process and are happy about it.

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018, Grade-3 - Magazine

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018,  Grade-3 - Magazine BULLYING - This Month Issues Rs-40/- Bullying is a serious issue among kids irrespective of their age. This issue tells the children that bullying is very harmful for both the bully and the kid being bullied. These things are taught in a fun way to the kids to make them happy.

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018, Grade-2 - Magazine

Empowering Life Skills - April 2018,  Grade-2 - Magazine STOP BEING A SNOB - This Month Issues Rs-40/- Being a snob is not at all good and the latest issue throws light on this subject. It tells the children that snobby behavior is a sign of weakness and teaches them to be positive and happy.